New Year. Reflection and Intention journaling.

Hello and Happy New Year!

2021… how would you like it to look and feel for you?

2020 certainly taught us that sometimes certain situations are out of our control (hello COVID), but I do believe we still have the power to decide the type of attitude we want to have when we step into a new year.

Have you taken a moment to reflect and acknowledge the year that’s been?  Have you taken a moment to celebrate things such as your wins, the lessons you’ve learnt, new experiences, and what you’re grateful for? OR perhaps it’s a matter of acknowledging the challenges and obstacles you’ve overcome during this unusual year?

I understand that people can be excited to start fresh with a new year, and feel eager to get goals in place so they feel like they’re being proactive and getting the ball rolling.  HOWEVER, I feel it’s vital to reflect on the year that’s been, as that can influence and shape how you approach the New Year.

At the end of each year I like to sit down and reflect on the year that’s been, before I set my intentions for the New Year. 

I find journaling is powerful tool for reflecting and setting intentions.  Writing it down on paper can be quite therapeutic and I can’t help but feel that.

I’ve created 10 Reflection questions and 10 Intentions questions to help you reflect and release 2020 and set you up for a magical 2021!


1.)  Did you follow through with the intentions/goals that you set for year 2020? 

2.)  What were your greatest achievements in 2020?  

3.)  What are some of the greatest lessons you learnt in 2020?

4.) What’s your biggest highlight from 2020, and why is it so special?

5.) What do you need to release and let go of from the past year (this could be habits, hurt, something that happened, people, etc)?

6.) Do you need to forgive yourself or someone else for anything that happened during the year?

7.) What are you most grateful for in 2020?

8.) What are you most proud of when reflecting on the year that’s been?

9.) What was one of the biggest positives to come out for 2020?

10.) Reflect on the following areas of your life.  What areas do you feel you grew and what areas do you feel need more attention? 

  • Relationships

  • Self development

  • Career

  • Finance

  • Health & Wellbeing

  • Family

  • Any other area that comes to mind…


1.)  What’s a word that you choose to guide and inspire you for 2021? For example, joy, freedom, love, letting go, patience, growth, flow, abundance, connection.

2.) What’s one thing that you always say you’re going to do but don’t!  Is there something along those lines that you are determined to follow through with this year.  If so, what is it and how are you going to make it happen?

3.)  What’s one of your weaknesses and how would you like to improve on it this year?

4.)  What’s one of your major life goals?  What can you do this year to help you get closer to reaching it?

5.)  How do you feel right now as your answer these questions?  How would you like to feel this time, next year?

6.)  Based on your response to the above questions (how you would like to feel), what can you do this coming year to help you feel that way?

7.) What would you like to accomplish this year?  What will you do to help you accomplish this things?

8.) How are you going to incorporate more joy into your life this coming year?

9.) What’s an affirmation or quote that you can use as your motto for the year? 

10.)  Set intentions for how you would like to feel in the following areas of your life, along with what you’ll do to create this feeling (or if you’re more of a goal person, set some goals for each category):

  • Relationships

  • Self development

  • Career

  • Finance

  • Health & Wellbeing

  • Family

  • Any other area that comes to mind…

Keep your responses to your questions somewhere safe.  It can be fun to read back over them at the end of the year to see how you’ve gone (or even midway through the year for a bit of a tune up!).

I sincerely wish you a wonderful year ahead! 


Steph x


My Story. Update.


My Story. 2020 what a year.