My Story. plot twist

One thing is for sure. Nothing stays the same.  Things are forever evolving.  I love that things are forever evolving, and I think it’s important we embrace that so we don’t get left behind.

My golly, I have felt such a shift with my life over the past 12 months.  Telling My Story… creating The Goddess Events… and moving back to the country.

Having gone through so many internal changes (reflecting, learning and growing as a person - especially with telling My Story last year and working with two amazing mentors), my lifestyle, people in it and vision for my future has shifted.  

I’m still the same Steph that everyone knows and sees, but on a deeper level I can feel that things have shifted.  There’s more inner peace.  There’s more direction.  There’s less concern about peoples judgements and what people think.  There’s more passion and excitement with what I want to create and I how I want to show up in the world.  It’s like that little spark with in me that was craving more, has been ignited.  

Since moving to the country, my mind has been so much sharper.  I kid you not, I don’t get brain fog like I used too.  I feel more grounded and connected to the world around me.  It’s brought so much clarity, but on the same note - I am still human!  I do go through cycles of highs and lows like everyone does…  I just feel so different being back here amongst nature with less distractions.   

With this new found clarity, I have a had a break through with my business.  This means making a big change that people may not have seen coming.  

One of the most challenging things for me and my business over the last few years, has been trying to narrow down the type of person I really want to work with for Coaching.  Some days, it’s had me feeling so blocked and frustrated; to the point where I feel like I’m going to explode!  

I think the problem has been because I have a vast range of qualifications that fit within the health and wellness world (Personal Trainer, Holistic Health Coach, Yoga Teacher & Raw Food Chef).  It’s also because I love connecting with all different types of people regardless of age, gender and back ground.  On top of that I have the experience of creating and selling a small business, and love helping people bring their small business dreams to life; I also seem to attract clients like that.  I genuinely just want to help people feel good with in themselves so they can enjoy life.  

To me this big open group of people I wanted to help, felt so wishy washy.  People would ask me what I do for work, and I would feel so awkward answering when it came to explaining I was I Coach.  My response was always so lose and non specific.  It was so frustrating because I knew I had the skills to help so many people, and I WAS helping so many people, but I just didn’t know how to pitch or who to pitch too.

Well… last week, I sat down and got serious with narrowing down what type of client I really want to work with.  I reflected on past and present clients I’ve coached.  I wrote down the things I’ve helped people with, and what kind of clients got the best results.  I also pondered what types of clients energised me, and what ones depleted my energy.  I took it really seriously, and wasn’t stopping until I had this figured out.  There were pages of paper with notes written everywhere (that’s how I process things!).

I finally worked it out!  I love to help people ignite their inner spark.  I like to help people ignite their inner spark, to feel high vibe and live a life they love.  I like to help get people fired up and excited. I love to inspire them and help them put things into action. But most of all, I simply love to help them ignite that spark with in them! I get that this still sounds pretty broad still, but this is perfect!  

You see, my clients that get the best results are the ones that have been able to ignite that inner spark with in them.  They start off thinking that they’ll be happy once they get healthy, and lose weight, but later find that once that spark within them is ignited… that spark that gets them excited to get out of bed each day… that spark that has them glowing from the inside out… that spark that has them feeling high vibe and attracting other high vibe people and opportunities into their life… they naturally eat healthier and move their bodies more.  Their self confidence builds and they care less about what the people think of them.  They start living a life that’s aligned with their values.  The ignite that inner spark, and there’s no stopping them.

Ok.  So now for the plot twist.  

I am no longer going to be offering one on one Coaching.  Not for the foreseeable future.  I will continue Coaching current clients until their packages are complete, however once they have finished, there will be no more one on one Coaching.  

I know.  It seems quite ironic.  I FINALLY workout my niche market and who I crave to help… and now I’m no longer offering one on one Coaching.

BUT the Coach in me is now feeling more inspired than ever.  I know exactly what kind of content I want to create and share with you via blogs, my social media channels and ‘Group Coaching Programs.’  Yep.  Group Coaching Programs.  I’m going to get to work on a specific group coaching program.  I’m going to take my time with it, and not announce too much until it’s all done.  What I will tell you, is that it will be based around ‘Igniting your inner spark’ and it’s going to be high vibe, exciting, do-able and AMAZING.

Ignite your inner spark, has literally ignited my spark and I am firing with ideas, passion and zest!  By letting go of one on one Coaching, I’m creating space to create more content for you, the group Coaching Program, along with a few little surprises I have up my sleeve.  I dare say I will do a whole separate blog post about ‘Igniting your inner spark’ because I can feel so much brewing within me about this topic!     

2019… I bloody love you!  Even if we are already half way through the year!  I’m on fire, and ready to create, create, create and be of service to all of you reading this.  I also want to add that I have huge appreciation and love for all of you that have been following me along this journey and supporting me.  Even if it’s simply just reading these blogs posts.  That also feeds my soul and adds to igniting that spark with in me.  

So there you have it.  No more one on one Coaching.  Things are shifting and changing.  That inner spark has been ignited, and I look forward to helping you ignite your inner spark too. 


Why a Goddess Circle?


Move to the country