My Story. Update.

It’s all happening!  If you follow me on socials, I’m pretty sure you would know I’ve bought a Toyota Coaster Bus?! So exciting! I’m just a matter of weeks away from making a start with my gypsy life adventure.  The freedom lifestyle that I’ve dreamed of for so long.

Since now and my last blog post in September, quite a bit has happened.  

There was Christmas and then a 2 week road trip adventure with my boyfriend (at the time) and Cocobella.   

It was quite funny actually.  We had a beautiful Christmas here at the farm with my family and then packed up the caravan.  We had no plans for where we were going to head!  We figured we’d just hit the road and see where it would take us.

We ended up exploring central Australia because all the coastal spots were super busy and caravan parks were booked out.  We figured no one would be going central because of the heat, so that’s where we headed.

We went up as far as Alice Springs and stayed with some friends there.  We then headed to Kings Canyon and Uluru.  Such beautiful places!  In all honesty, I wasn’t that excited for Uluru, but when I got there, I couldn’t stop saying ‘WOW!’ On the way home we did the Oodnadatta Track and headed back through the Flinders.

It really was quite the adventure. We did lots of exploring.  Lots of hikes and lots of driving.  It was a really cool experience and a holiday to remember for sure.  

As you know, I like to keep my private life, just that - private.  It makes it challenging at times though, because sometimes things happen and I’d love to explain what and why, but I won’t out of respect and privacy for other people involved.

What I will share in this instance though, is that at the end of our holiday, my boyfriend at the time and I decided to go our separate ways.  Whilst we had a fantastic holiday, we realised that our values and what we wanted in life weren’t really aligned.  

It’s fascinating how life works.  Even though things didn’t turn out with this last relationship, I’m still grateful for the experience.  There were lots of good times. Both being gemini’s we could talk for hours. He stretched me and encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone.  In fact he was the one that inspired me to get a bus. But in the end we just weren’t the right match. It kind of felt like a test from the universe… to see if I’m really willing to stick to my values & boundaries and see if I’ve really embodied my self worth. I feel like I passed the test.

Since that break up, there’s been some pondering and reflecting. There’s been re-evaluating what is really important to me and some beautiful self care.  There’s nothing quite like a break up to make you pause, connect with yourself on a deeper level and re-assess a few things.

Any how, now that I have a bus, I feel like I can make plans!  The bus is booked in to have an air conditioner getting installed this week and then I’ll be able to start decking it out with my own things!  I am SO EXCITED to put my things in there and create a beautiful, cosy home for me and my dog Coco.

Once that’s done, the plan is to head north up to Darwin, so I can experience some warmth during winter.  I will then head across to Broome and down the west coast.  I’ve done a similar trip before, but I feel like it will be a completely different experience travelling solo and not having any time limits. I can spend as little or as much time at each spot. Plus I’ll be working within my business along the way to.

During my travels I hope to do some pop up yoga classes, visit some schools and do some school yoga with students and staff and run some small business workshops.  I will share more once I’ve packaged these offerings up and know what date I’ll be hitting the road.

I’m hoping to meet and connect with lots of people along the way.  Especially people that have been such amazing supporters of all that I do, yet I’ve never met them. I’ve also formed connections with other people living the bus life and I look forward to meeting them and sharing stories.

I love writing and taking photos and I can’t think of anything better than the gypsy life, to create an amazing platform for me to embrace my writing and photography even more. I’m excited and curious to see what creativity comes from life on the road. PLUS, I’ll be able to film some yoga classes on location for my Online Yoga Membership (there’s currently a FREE 7 Day Trial on offer, until 23rd April 2021! Be sure to check it out! )

I’ll be honest though… yes, I am excited for this adventure I’m about to embark on; but I am equally just as nervous!  I know I’ll be right once I get the hang of this new lifestyle, but until then I will be very much out of my comfort zone.

I think the coolest thing about all of this is that my vision is coming to life.  All those years of talking about living the gypsy life and now I’m going to be doing it!  AND I’ve got my business to a position where I can work from any where and support myself whilst I travel.  I’m going to go as far as saying, I am proud of myself (and I don’t say that often!).

I really hope that by me sharing my adventures, I can inspire other people to follow their heart and soul as well.  I also hope that I get to meet and connect with many of you along my travels as well!  If you hear that I’m traveling your way, please be sure to reach out and say hi!

Much love,

Steph x 


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