Walk Your Path

Walk your own path. Walk the path that excites you. The path that leads you in the direction of things that interest you, support you, and fascinate you.

I’ve been pondering lately... a couple of years ago I never would have seen myself creating @thegoddessevents. I have no doubt that there’s still some amazing things to come for @thegoddessevents that I haven’t even imagined yet. .

I often hear people concerned about the fact they don’t know what to do... they don’t know what direction to head... they don’t know what work they want to do... or what they want to do in their spare time... they don’t feel they have a tribe of people that are interested in the things they are...

My response to that - just keep putting one foot in front of the other, doing things that create a bit of a spark in you. Seriously... what do you feel to do...? What kind of things excite you? What things make you smile? What people do you enjoy being around? What do you want to learn more about?

What ever these things are, just make a start. You never know what it may lead too. You never know what opportunities are just around the corner. Most of all... keep moving forward. It’s hard to learn what it is that you love if you aren’t willing to get out there and try some things. You’re in the drivers seat. Keep doing more of what you love. .

Instead of thinking that you ‘should’ know what you want to do with your life, try exploring and being open to possibilities. I think the journey of exploring what it is that you love... that’s living. 


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